Thursday, October 26, 2006

Above my pay grade

Usually I chafe at my low status at work. I wish they would give me a little more respect, let me do more interesting work.

But sometimes, it feels so nice to be able to say "that's above my pay grade" and walk away.

Today was one of those days. Someone was mad, and I was getting yelled at over email. (For something that I had no control over, because I'm too low-level). Normally I try to handle whatever comes up as much as possible myself, because I like being in control and it's a good way to get myself promoted (it's worked once, anyway).

But it had been a very long day of one meeting after another, and it was already after 5 pm, and I wanted to go home. I did not care about this fight.

So I called up my boss, dumped the problem onto her, and went home.

Sometimes it's nice to be unimportant.

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