Thursday, July 20, 2006

The war in Lebanon

Just need to vent... Israel is destroying Lebanon, and what do they think they're going to gain from it? They may be able to push Hezbollah away from the blue line, but Hezbollah will always come back. Especially if Israel goes back to that whole "strategic depth" idea and re-occupies Lebanon.

And where, in all of this, is the Lebanese government? All the news talks about is Israel vs. Hezbollah, with a little discussion of Syria and Iran's roles thrown in. Has everyone forgotten that Lebanon is (at least supposed to be) a sovereign state? And that while Hezbollah may be represented in Parliament, it doesn't lead the government? Why don't we hear anything about the Lebanese government, except for the occasional sound bite bemoaning casualties and damage to infrastructure? What are they doing? Why don't they step up and act like leaders?

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