Friday, July 21, 2006

Meeting a rebel commander and dreaming about being one

A commander of the Sudan Liberation Army (one of the Darfur rebel groups) is coming to a meeting at work next week. I thought the meeting was today and got all excited about it - I've met presidents and other important people before, but never a rebel commander - I'm really curious to see what he'll be like - will he seem like a nice guy?

After getting all excited about it last night, when I was still thinking the meeting was today, I had this great dream where I was part of a Darfur Resistance movement (like the French Resistance during World War II - I don't think a Darfur Resistance movement `a la my dream actually exists). I was wearing a turban and djellaba, and had to help captured Darfuris escape from janjaweed slave raiders. So I distracted the bad guys while the Darfuris ran away, and then the bad guys chased me around Rock Creek Park until I woke up. It was really fun!

Am I just waaay too into politics?

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